ProPanel announces new prices for The Stall Grazer 3-in-1 Corner Horse Feeder, Stall Grazer 3-in-1 Flat Wall Feeder, and Stall Grazer Jr. Cube Feeder!
In the past, the cost to ship our oversized Horse Feeders could be very costly for us and our customers. Now with even more dealers across the United States and parts of Canada, we are now able to reduce the cost of our feeders to a price that now includes shipping in the Continental US.
Stall Grazer Corner Feeder $255
The Stall Grazer Flat Wall Feeder $295
Stall Grazer Junior Cube Feeder $225
All prices include the cost of shipping inside the continental US!
We are excited to now offer a total price that will return your investment on feed, shavings and labor even faster and year after year!
Order direct or find a dealer near you! Questions? Call 1-833-GRAZERS.
*price includes freight in the continental USA
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